Home Services Teeth Whitening Services

Teeth Whitening Dentist

After a brighter smile? You’re not alone.

Teeth whitening is one of the most common treatments we get asked about at Clearly Dental - and we totally understand why.

Over the last 10 years, teeth whitening has become much more commonplace, affordable, and accessible. Celebrities with flashy white smiles are the new norm and influencers spruiking low-cost take-home kits can be seen across social media.

But whilst teeth whitening seems like it could be a cheap and easy way to change the appearance of your smile, it’s important to understand all the ins and outs of the process so you can make the right and informed choice for your health.

Smiling hipster with beard

Firstly, let’s understand: what causes stained or discoloured teeth?

Most causes of tooth stains are extrinsic, which means that the discolouring comes from an outside source rather than from within the tooth itself. Much of this comes from your diet and lifestyle habits. For example, coffee, tea, and red wine are all common causes of stains. If you regularly drink these hot drinks or enjoy a glass of red or two, the stains on your teeth could easily come from these sources. Other foods, including fizzy drinks, can also discolour teeth. Another major cause is smoking or chewing tobacco, which is known to discolour teeth over time. Finally, stains may be a simple result of poor cleaning techniques.

Other tooth stain causes are intrinsic, which means the discolouration comes from within the tooth. In this case, the dentin (the part of the tooth below the enamel) will darken or take on a yellow tinge.

Dr Akshay Sidana - Dapto Clearly Dental

Dr Akshay Sidana, from Clearly Dental Dapto, often gets asked by patients who have recently whitened their teeth how best to maintain their bright new smile. Dr Sidana says, “For the best result after whitening, it’s important to avoid staining foods such as coffee, tea, turmeric, and red wine for at least 2-3 days after treatment. In addition, regular brushing and flossing will not only keep your smile brighter but both your teeth and gums healthy."

Are your teeth suitable for teeth whitening?

We know that around 1 in 3 (35%) Australian adults aged 15 years and over have felt uncomfortable about their dental appearance in the previous 12 months.1

One possible reason could be discolouration of their teeth. If this is you, the best way to tell if your teeth are suited to any kind of whitening treatment is to talk to your dentist. They will discuss what some of the causes might be and they’ll be able to help you make an informed decision about which treatment option may work best.

Before receiving any whitening treatments, we will give you a quick check-up. It’s crucial that your teeth and gums are in good and healthy condition in order to receive treatment. Your dentist can also discuss specifics, such as whether you're likely to feel any sensitivity during whitening.

Are there any risks associated with teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening does come with risks, but they can largely be minimised with the right advice from your dentist. Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical and it can have an adverse effect on the teeth or gums, which is why the Australian Dental Association recommends that any products with 6% or higher of this agent are only applied by a trained professional.2

The worst that most people will experience is a tingling sensation or sensitivity in the gums during or immediately following the whitening procedure. Should this happen, let your dentist know immediately. The symptoms should pass quickly or within a few days but he or she will be able to advise you further.

Being informed about the risks and options for treatment is an important step in looking after your oral health.

It’s also important to note that while there many offerings out there by businesses that claim their practitioners are teeth whitening specialists, it is only registered dental practitioners who have the expertise to assess whether teeth whitening is safe for you.2

What are the different kinds of teeth whitening treatments?

Take-home whitening kits:

DIY whitening kits are the closest product to a professional whitening treatment you can buy. At Clearly Dental, your take-home kit will usually contain a device that looks a bit like a mouthguard. You'll fill it with a bleaching gel, then wear it for 20-30 minutes per day.

While this method can offer noticeably whiter teeth, it does require a real time investment each day. Since it is something you purchase at the clinic, there is also a limit on the strength of the bleach to make sure your mouth is protected.

In-chair teeth whitening:

Aside from brighter teeth, the real perk of getting your teeth whitened by a professional is that it only takes one quick visit.

Your dentist will apply a whitening gel to your teeth, then let you relax as they position an LED light over your mouth to activate the ingredients. You may only need to do this just once, or your dentist might suggest two applications in one visit for added results. Once the gel has been rinsed off, you will immediately notice a difference in your teeth. You'll need to take care not to eat or drink anything that could stain them for the next day or two (such as coffee, tea, and berries), as they will continue to whiten over this time.

Still curious?

It’s a given: visiting Clearly Dental for your treatment means you’ll be looked after and in the safe hands of a professional. Know something else? We are here for you with clear, simple, straight-up advice. So if you have further questions or if you’re ready to take the plunge into teeth whitening, call us today.

Everybody’s teeth are different and how your teeth react to whitening bleach will vary from everyone else’s. Make sure you discuss your expectations and your desired results with your dentist to ensure you receive the treatment that is right for you. And remember - the individual results of take-home kits or in-chair whitening will vary.

Want more than one reason to smile?

A brighter smile. Up-front pricing.

Find out... whether whitening is right for you. Individual results may vary.


1Oral health and dental care in Australia [Online] 2020 Available from: www.aihw.gov.au

2 Australian Dental Association. Policy Statement 2.2.8 – Community Oral Health Promotion: Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) By Persons Other Than Dental Practitioners [Online] [Accessed September 2020] Available from: www.ada.org.au

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