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Kids Dentist

Children’s Dentistry

In our experience, kids who start looking after their teeth and oral health from a young age, grow up to have good respect for maintaining healthy teeth. They also have a much better chance of enjoying natural bright, and healthy smiles as they age. Our team are trained and experienced in looking after your kids’ teeth from their very first visit and we’re always happy to talk you - and more importantly, them - through this experience.

When should my child first visit the dentist?

We recommend you bring your child in from when their first teeth are starting to show or when they are about 12 months old, whichever is first. Bringing them in at this age can help them start getting used to visiting the dentist and sitting in the chair.

We’ll always take it one step at a time, to ensure your child is comfortable.

Your child's first appointment at the dentist

Your child's first appointment at Clearly Dental is mainly about building positive experiences and providing education for parents. Generally, the first dentist appointment will have a training session on oral hygiene, including how to correctly brush, how to floss, and what foods to avoid. We will also do a general check-up to see if all the teeth are healthy. We’ll also look at your child's jaw and bite, just to ensure there is no misalignment or other growth problems.

Our team are experienced with treating children and we always make it a point to make sure everything is as cheerful and calm as possible. If things are working out, a gentle clean and x-rays will also be part of the first check-up. If there is anything amiss, our team will guide you through what’s next.

After the first visit, your kids should really come and see us just as often as you do - every six months.

It’s always a great idea to book an appointment for the whole family to come at the same time. (Not only do you save time booking - and remembering! - multiple appointments; you also only make a single trip! Win-win!) We find that educating kids on how to look after their oral health always starts at home. If you can set a good example by attending check-ups with your kids regularly, our job is easier, and your kids will have a much smoother experience.

At Clearly Dental we’re here to care for the smiles of our youngest patients.

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girl hanging upside down from  her  father's shoulders

Tips for kids when going to the dentist

1. Keep it positive.

When talking about it, keep all mentions of the dentist positive. If your child overhears you complaining about your own dental experiences, they might pick this up, making it harder for all involved when it's time to go. Going to the dentist should always be a positive experience and we’re trained to make sure that’s the case.

2. Set some expectations.

Be honest and talk openly to your kids about what they might expect at Clearly Dental. Talk about the ‘really cool big white chair’ and ‘awesome space lights’. You may be able to find a storybook or online video about going to the dentist so your kids can relate to the experience and it’s not so much of a shock when you turn up. Explore our website together and have a look at photos of the chair, room, and lights so that everyone knows what to expect.

3. Play Dentist at home.

Similar to playing ‘doctor’, try playing ‘dentist’ at home in the days or weeks leading up to your appointment. This will help your kids get used to someone looking in their mouth while they lie in the chair. Put some sunglasses on them and use a torch to shine in their mouth and count their teeth. Then swap places. Nothing like a little role-playing to help your kids feel much more comfortable.

4. Avoid certain words.

When it is their turn, keep up the positivity. Avoid words such as 'hurt', 'needle', and 'drill', and let them know that the dentist just wants to take a quick look and make sure everything is okay and healthy. Try using phases such as “The dentist wants to see your big, strong teeth to make sure they can chomp chomp chomp”.

5. Bring something comforting.

The old trick of bringing toys along to the appointment can also be a huge help, so don't forget to throw a couple of their favourite distractions in the bag just in case they become upset.

6. Don’t despair if all goes pear-shaped.

Some fussing during appointments is nothing to worry about, but if your child is truly unhappy and there’s no way to calm them down, we’ll call it day and try again in few months.

Taking care of your kids’ teeth at home

As dentists, we wholeheartedly believe that parents are responsible for their kids' oral health until they can look after their teeth on their own.

For babies, this means cleaning the gums with a damp cloth after feeding, then using a soft toothbrush and water when the teeth come through.

For young kids, good oral hygiene covers everything from a healthy diet that's low in sugar to proper brushing habits. We’d expect your child to be able to brush their own teeth by the age of five, at which point they’ve hopefully already been to see us and we’ve shown them the proper brushing techniques. Colourful and themed toothbrushes and toothpastes usually help get kids more enthusiastic about this routine.

Most of all, you can inspire a sense of importance through leading by example: show them that brushing and flossing, going to the dentist, and healthy eating are all just part of taking care of yourself.

Taking care of your whole family’s oral health is important to us, so to find out more about what the Clearly Dental experience might be like for you and your kids, contact us and we’d love to hear from you.


*Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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